Starting the New Year Fresh: Creating Natural Hair Goals

It’s a new year, why not work towards a new YOU? Setting natural hair goals for a new year can seem like a daunting task, especially with all of the other things you have to do. And then there is the fact that you usually forget your New Year’s resolution before the end of January.

 Still, there is a sense of accomplishment when you can say that you tried something innovative, rolled up your sleeves and got to work being creative. So instead of looking at your natural hair as one more thing you HAVE to do, use these tips to experience your natural hair in a new way this year.
Goal 1:  Examine your natural hair regimen/routine. Is it working? Why or why not? Consider trying new hair products on your hair this year. Branching out from your staples can seem scary at first but you may find that there are other products that your hair will enjoy even more.

Goal 2: Keep it simple silly! Shorten your hair routine so that it only contains only a few steps. Combining and simplifying steps can be a way to speed up your natural hair routine this year.

Goal 3: Don’t compare your natural hair to others. Hair crushes and idols are prevalent in the natural hair community. But it’s one thing to be inspired by someone else’s hair and another to feel your hair is somehow inferior because it does not look the same way. Invest time into learning how to care for YOUR hair instead of spending hours watching YouTube videos or looking at pictures to “crush” on someone else’s hairdo.

What are your natural hair goals?

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