Brown Sugar Scalp Scrub Recipe

The Brown Sugar Scalp Scrub is ideal for…

  • oily, pore-clogged scalps

Benefits for hair…

  • removes excess oil & impurities
  • removes dead skin cells 
  • improves cell circulation

My experiences with the scrub
It is really, really simple to make! I have been testing the Brown Sugar Scalp Scrub for two months now and I felt it was ready to share with Love Natural Sunshine. I originally discovered the recipe on but I added the “Tips & Caution Steps” based on my own personal experiences. So here we go!

Recipe: Brown Sugar Scalp Scrub

  • 2 tablespoons of Olive oil
  • 2-3 Tablespoons of Organic Light Brown Sugar
  • 3 drops of your favorite essential oil (helps invigorate scalp)

Recipe Instructions:
In a small bowl mix ingredients. Add enough sugar to make a thin paste. Do not heat the oil as this will melt the sugar. On dry or damp hair, part and section the hair into 6 or more sections. Clip or twist the hair to keep it in individual sections. Take a scoop of the scrub and apply to scalp, separating hair to reach entire scalp. In a circular motion, slowly scrub the scalp with the mixture for 1-2 minutes. Refrain from scrubbing roughly, as this may lead to irritation. Rise well, then shampoo and condition hair as normal.

Tips & Caution Steps:

Use an organic brand (USDA approved works great!) of brown sugar for the recipe. The granules of organic sugar will be larger than regular processed sugar, allowing for maximum exfoliation of the scalp. An alternative to using an organic brand is to use a brown sugar that has granules similar to the texture and the size of sand.

If you have sensitive skin, use with caution as sugar granules can cause mild skin irritation. To avoid this, make sure mixture has the thickness of a paste and that you apply the scrub only to the hair avoiding facial area.

photo courtesy of

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